3 Great Reasons to Redesign Your Website

In 2021, it’s not enough to purchase a domain and launch a basic webpage. You’ll need to make sure that your website is attractive, easy to find and navigate, and provides an overall positive experience for all visitors.

If it’s been a while since you launched your business or you suspect your site might be holding you back from achieving your goals, you might be wondering whether it’s time for a redesign. While there are many indicators that you’re overdue for a site revamp, here are three great reasons to put this task at the top of your to-do list.

Your Site Doesn't Align with Industry Standards

Whether your site is more than five years old or you opted for a DIY job, it’s probable that your site doesn’t adhere to current industry standards. Web design and user behavior change frequently, so failing to stay up-to-date can have major ramifications. 

This doesn’t mean you have to adopt every single web design trend — in fact, that can often backfire. But it does mean that there are certain standards you can’t afford to ignore. For example, if your site doesn’t have an SSL certificate or you’re relying on outdated plugins, you’re going to end up creating a poor user experience. And since Google cares about UX, that could hurt your site’s ability to rank in search results.

Even a slow-loading or non-responsive site can negatively impact your ability to reach your target audience. If your site isn’t accessible to mobile users or it’s frustrating to use, that’s a big clue that you’re in need of a website makeover. Familiarize yourself with what Google wants to see, have a website audit performed, and talk to a professional to make sure your site isn’t holding your business back.

Your Branding or Audience Has Changed

Even if your site is technically functional and still looks great, you may want to consider a redesign if your business model has changed since your site went live. If you’ve adjusted your brand identity, messaging, product and service offerings, or target audience, you’ll want to make sure your website supports those new goals. Otherwise, you’re going to provide a confusing experience for visitors and will have a hard time accomplishing your aims.

In some cases, you might not need to overhaul your site entirely. But in others, it may make sense to opt for a total redesign. No matter what, you’ll probably need to do more than merely update your logo on the homepage. You may need to replace existing copy, redirect outdated page links, and change your main color elements, among other things. While every situation is different, redesigning your website after a rebrand or an audience shift can help you start fresh.

Your Website is Hard to Update or Doesn't Appear in SERPs

If you worked with a web developer in the past who was overly protective of their work, you may now find it difficult to make even the smallest updates. Even if you don’t want to take on web design responsibilities, there are always going to be little adjustments you’ll need to make. And if you’re not able to do that yourself as needed, it may be time to redesign your site to obtain a little more control.

Another sign you need a website refresh? If your site isn’t optimized or would be difficult to optimize in its current state. As any white label digital marketing solutions company will tell you, it’s a whole lot easier to optimize a site for search engines from the very beginning. While it’s possible to optimize an existing site, there are certain content management systems or web development tools that can make it more difficult to accomplish. If it’s too hard to optimize your site as-is, your web developer might recommend that you redo the entire thing.

Ultimately, there are a number of good reasons to redesign a website — and these three are among the most common. If any of these scenarios ring true for your website, consider working with us to preserve your branding, create a better user experience, and increase your web traffic.  

Twelve Letter Design works with companies to develop their brand through strategic design.